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Currently Reading: Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh

This book was one of the reasons I started my "Mind detox diet", I started reading it with breaks in between about 3 weeks ago I guess. As I mentioned before this is the 3rd year I try a month's break, I was more successful in the one I did in 2020 because I was pregnant and the pandemic helped me really want to disconnect from the outside world. David was home as well so I did not need to use the phone at all. I am not sure I will return to social media yet.. I will let the coming days decide. As I am documenting and archiving my life's memories here, which is the big reason behind it all... I do not really need to have an audience or feedback, because I am doing it for myself... I have always been doing it for me and my girls when they grow up, besides taking a role model part in inspiring the young women from my background ( Girls from my father's village follow me and are touched by my unconventional life).

This book gave me so much inner peace listening to it and pausing and repeating until some words really sank in deeply. As a result, the urge feeling I want to express myself, talk or even write has stopped. I disconnected from everyone! because I do not want to talk about the past or the future.. I was to be still, fully present and enjoy every moment of my daily life with my kids as if there is no tomorrow. 

“When you ask the question, “Who am I?”—if you have enough time and concentration—you may find some surprising answers. You may see that you are a continuation of your ancestors. Your parents and your ancestors are fully present in every cell of your body; you are their continuation. You don’t have a separate self. If you remove your ancestors and your parents from you, there’s no “you” left.

You may see that you’re made of elements, like water for example. If you remove the water from you, there’s no “you” left. You’re made of earth. If you remove the element earth from you, there’s no “you” left. You’re made of air. You need air desperately; without air you cannot survive. So if you remove the element of air from you, there’s no “you” left. And there’s the fire element, the element of heat, the element of light, in you. You know that you are made of light. Without sunlight, nothing can grow on Earth. If you continue to look, you see that you are made of the sun, one of the biggest stars in the galaxy. And you know that the Earth, as well as yourself, is made of the stars. So you are the stars. On a clear night, look up, and you can see that you are the stars above. You’re not just the tiny body you normally may think of as “yourself.”

“When feeling lonely or anxious, most of us have the habit of looking for distractions, which often leads to some form of unwholesome consumption -- whether eating a snack in the absence of hunger, mindlessly surfing the Internet, going on a drive, or reading. Conscious breathing is a good way to nourish body and mind with mindfulness.”

“All the wonders of life are already here. They’re calling you. If you can listen to them, you will be able to stop running. What you need, what we all need, is silence. Stop the noise in your mind in order for the wondrous sounds of life to be heard. Then you can begin to live your life authentically and deeply.”

“When we surround ourselves with people who are committed to understanding and loving, we’re nourished by their presence and our own seeds of understanding and love are watered. When we surround ourselves with people who gossip, complain, and are constantly critical, we absorb these toxins.”

“While walking, for example, if we are talking or thinking at the same time, we get caught up in the conversation or thoughts we’re having and get lost in the past or the future, our worries or our projects. People can easily spend their entire lives doing just that. What a tragic waste! Let us instead really live these moments that are given to us. In order to be able to live our life, we have to stop that radio inside, turn off our internal discourse.
How can we enjoy our steps if our attention is given over to all that mental chatter? It’s important to become aware of what we feel, not just what we think. When we touch the ground with our foot, we should be able to feel our foot making contact with the ground. When we do this, we can feel a lot of joy in just being able to walk. When we walk, we can invest all our body and mind into our steps and be fully concentrated in each precious moment of life.
In focusing on that contact with the earth, we stop being dragged around by our thoughts and begin to experience our body and our environment in a wholly different way. Our body is a wonder! Its functioning is the result of millions of processes. We can fully appreciate this only if we stop our constant thinking and
have enough mindfulness and concentration to be in touch with the wonders of our body, the Earth, and the sky.”

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