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A Regular Day In Our Neighborhood

Yesterday was a full day, we packed our hotdogs and burger lunch to have a picnic in the neighbourhood yard/playground. We spent the day playing football, eating running after Alicia who refused to stay at one spot and I managed to do some planting when she had her afternoon nap. 

Julia helped me with the laundry as she promised. So I made her a kids cocktail as a reward and cooked her favourite meal for dinner the right Italian way. She was over the moon. By the time I was done with laundry and dinner and showing Alicia who was a like ball of sand after the playground, I was so so tired. I gave her some free time to play in the bath before showing her and prepare her for bedtime. 

Julia on the other hand couldn't wait to watch the rest of Hook movie. When Alicia slept we snuggled on the sofa and watched the rest of the movie and went straight to be bed afterwards because we have big plans for Sunday; baking, painting and having another picnic before the grandparents visit :-) 

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