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The Science of Love Dr. Helen Fisher

I came across this video that was very informative when it comes to how our brains work when it comes to love and choosing our partners. The whole interview is a must-watch but at 55:20 she gets to a point where I personally relate to what type of personality that I am attracted to based on what type of person I am. I might not have so many similarities with my partner but this explains everything, which I wrote about a few years ago in a blog post 

PS. For those who are here to check on me. I am actually recoving, just a bit tired from last week. Since I am asks free and Alicia is at her grandmother the headech is mild now. Its just me and Julia now having an easy going quality time like the old days.

So I am trying to cut down on (phone/computer usage) social media, over mind stimulations like watching news, radio and tv or talking/listening in different languages. At the moment I am just tired from the last weeks pressure. 

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