About a month ago I found a small lump on the right side of my head. Then I started experiencing one side headache at that same side, that comes and goes. I was too busy to give it any attention because a headache would be normal for such a super busy lifestyle, kids, homework, study, and internship projects... doing all tasks while listening to audiobooks.
Especially last week the pressure was extra preparing for exams. For example, I had to reread a 535 pages book in the library one day before the exam because that's when I could get kids-free time. During my final English exams on the 15th, I survived on painkillers, and luckily or maybe by keeping a (positive attitude) I got a C+ for oral B for the actual exam.
Anyway, on the 16th I found myself in the ER bed, with nurses driving me around the hospital doing all types of physical tests and brain scans. I remained there from around 14 until 21 and finally got the chance to go home because all tests were fine. I am advised to take it easy, rest until I get to do another magnetic brain scan two weeks from now.
Besides the small lump in my head that I found about a month ago, my symptoms were between Bells Palys and Stroke. The doctor confirmed none of them as the results of the test show nothing wrong. My own theories are; a combination of family history of migraine and excessive use of Bluetooth headphones especially lately which makes my head feel as if it has been microwaved after hours of use.
I did some research about wireless headphones and I found some facts that might be related to what I experienced. If they are not the main cause, they are definitely a factor in speeding the process of the lump growing on the right side of my head.
In general, I consider this a tower moment because I have been ignoring all signs from the universe to take it easy and stop pilling up tasks one after the other as if I am having middle-aged crisis. One of the signs was: I have been given a book about self-compassion as a gift, my friend even highlighted the chapter that describes me. I also intended to finish all languages courses before August but I did not get to sign up for another course directly after this one ended. Instead, I was given 5-week break in between, a new rule by the community for adult students. That left me with only time to focus on the internship project and the household and kids' responsibilities.
While I was laying for hours at the hospital among people who didn't seem to have many days left, it gave me a good aha moment to reflect on my lifestyle responsibilities and all signs I have been ignoring.
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