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Bringing Healthy Back

Photos from my previous Instagram training selfies 2017-2020

It's probably too early to celebrate these habit changes since I only started a few days ago. But since I had already been doing these methods before summer started and stopped I felt I needed to write about what works for me as an individual. 

I have low metabolism, am gluten-sensitive, I lose and gain weight fast. Most of my weight-gaining episodes have been related to pregnancy, nursing, and stress.  So I actually lost the pregnancy weight during spring. But managed to gain back half of it again during summer social unhealthy eating and drinking habits plus being stressed as a student mother who has to guggle both daily home responsibilities and homework. 

Despite the weight topic, I am much more focused on the overall health part because gaining weight is just a visible sign of what might be going wrong inside the body and mind. In my personal experience, I am following these methods for these particular reasons:

  • I get brain fog when I am sitting studying for a couple of hours without moving so training helps me clear that fog and get my blood pumping. I am also trying to generate more brain cells since at age 35 the brain stops making new cells and ONLY! if the person is active physically.

  • Fasting for overall health, (reverse cell changes) cancer resistance and improve brain activities performance. 
  • Ketones work great for me since I am not a big fan of sweets and pastry and I can live without them if I have to only cook for myself. But the challenge is cooking for the family and social eating. I got in shape very fast when I was eating only keto meals, one fat protein-rich meal a day. not only that I was fit and light in my body but I also felt great, energetic, and was very mentally sharp during that period,  especially in my memory. 
  • Supplements are my shopping addiction. I take my omega, multivitamins, D2, and iron daily, except for the iron twice a week. I do my best to eat more leafy greens, less meat, herbal tea, and skip all toxic beverages. I might reward myself with a glass of red wine if I am really sicked to this routine next weekend to not create unhealthy resistance that comes often after straining ones-self too much. 
  • Improve my sleep and get more deep sleep. I have been tracking my sleep the last few months and I discovered that I only sleep 1 h deep sleep max, maybe a bit more of I had a glass of wine but never made it to 2 hours naturally. So just when I started with this method of fasting, keto and exercise I managed to sleep 2 hours of deep sleep. See the data below... unbelievable! 

My training besides fasting is quite simple, not to the point where I get stressed because stress and guilt are the number one cause of going back to unhealthy foods and habits because it triggers the reward system in the brain. I try to reach my 10000 steps daily. And my workout routine is a 30 minutes jog, sometimes I take a 5-minute fast walk in between if I felt some discomfort which is very common at the beginning when back to training. I also like to hike and go for long walks. 

The study routine  ( sitting still ) is what really destroyed my old active habits because I usually walk almost to all places, rarely drive or use transportations. And my lifestyle as a mom requires being on my feet up and going all day from one thing to the other. 

Today since I am home alone with Alicia I do not need to cook for anyone, I am planning to do 24 hours fast, drink only coffee, vinegar water, and do my 30 minutes jog in our home gym with Alicia in the stroller watching :-). I hope these routine changes pay off when I get to do my next cell scanning test. Positive vibes, please !!!!

Cell changes are not cancer. The cells often go back to normal by themselves. But in some people, if not treated, these changes could develop into cancer in the future.

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