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A Body Positve Before and After

First I need to make it clear that I am not trying to sell you guys a product. This is from my own experience and I would like to share it for goodwill influencing. I want to share this post with my weight gain photos because most of my family members are overweight with unhealthy eating habits and a lazy lifestyle. They totally gave up trying to improve their health. My dad has diabetes and I am afraid my younger sister is going to get there too if she doesn't start taking action. 

When we talk about weight issues, they all assume that I am naturally slim and keep calling me lucky. You are lucky lucky lucky,, the truth is I am not! I do my best to stay in shape. My eating habits are zero sugar intake, no sweets, ice cream, cakes, or candy.. maybe I am lucky I do not like the sweet taste.  

So enough of that I am here to share with you what are the steps I took to lose weight fast. This is based on my own researches and listing to lots of experts podcasts and books. This might not work for all but this is what worked for me and I feel great in and out: 

1. No carbs :  (Only to achieve the weight drop, then you can go back to natural carbs, not processed carbs). I ate vegetables, protein with some fat. Eating the right foods made me full all day. I ate broccoli, with chorizo sausages,  avocado, chicken breast, beef burger without bread, and boiled egg. lots of leafy greens. 

2. Coffee and vinegar hacks: Black coffee and water mixed with vinegar tamed my appetite.

3. Fasting: starting from 12 hours, 16 hours and made it to 24 hours fasting which is one big meal a day. 

Photo taken this morning from two sides - while doing a 24 hours fast

4. Hypnosis: I personally do hypnosis for almost anything I struggle with controlling, such as letting go of the past, negativity, and toxic people XD. So hypnosis is a way to program my subconscious mind on the new habits and eating choices link here , I listen to this every night all night. Planning to do it for 30 for permanent results. 

5. Light exercises daily: Hight exercises cause stress and stress causes you to break your healthy habits and reach for quick awards to feel good again. Avoid stress at all causes and take long walks or 30 minutes workout a type that you like... a hike, Tabata, or just dance. 

6. Pick a motivation: Autophagy is my motivation. I am doing this for medical reasons and reverse cell changes, overall health, and feel light and youthful again I keep myself motivated by listening to health experts all day long especially when I am on my daily 10000 steps walk. 

7. Block social temptations: avoid social gatherings for a week or 10 days. After passing a week of fasting your craving for unhealthy food will drop naturally. Even at social events, you will maintain self-control. I personally managed to do so on our latest summer cabin trip and yesterday at a lunch out with the family. The newly baked bread looked so tempting but I knew that every bite is going to cause my body to start over again and crave unhealthy processed carbs. 

8. Get busy: Study, read, for your hobbies. Feeling a sense of emptiness and no fulfillment makes us run to fill ourselves with food. Practice self-love and revive your childhood hobbies, outdoor activities or play video games. 

9. Supplements: I take omega, vitamin mix, D2 daily. Now I added some other supplements that I take on demand. I take them during the days I feel I ate poorly the nutritions I need or fiber because I have a low metabolism and am gluten-sensitive by gut feeling, I did not see a doctor for it. 

9. Plan your reward day: be kind to yourself even if you failed to keep self-control. If you managed to control yourself you will feel so happy and over the moon. Your brain chemicals will take care of the rewarding part and boost your feel great feelings. Personally, I only have dark chocolate, some nuts, and a glass of red wine. They are the only things left on my guilt-free list, a glutenfree pizza perhaps once a month. 

EXCUSE THE TYPOS I had to write this so fast and got no time for editing. 

These are my recommendation a list of videos that thought me a lot, I listened to all these experts in this summary video find the videos on my Facebook page: 

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