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Hemal Radia's Quotes

A man and a woman performing a modern dance.

Hi Everyone :)

Please enjoy these inspirational quotes by Hemal Radia:

“What are you dancing your life to? Are you dancing in a way that brings you alive? Or are you sitting on the sidelines watching the dance floor? Are you dancing because there is music playing, or because there is a music IN YOU and you want to dance and let it out?.”

"Be the EMBODIMENT of what you want to BE, there is no clearer signal you give to everything else than you BEing it. Be the EXAMPLE of what you want to share, there is no better guidance you give to another than you BEing it.”

“When you realise how powerful you truly are within your own flow, you do not need to look towards 'controlling' others. In your own 'power', others will be drawn to you for their connection to their power through your inspiration. It will be attractive to them. So you may not be 'controlling' anyone, but inspiring them; from how powerful you are, you are reminding them how powerful they are.”

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