An essay about welfare:
Since the first codified universal government welfare was instituted in the 7th century (634 CE) by Rashidun caliph Umar. The emergence of the social welfare system was to assist those who could not support themselves or their families. Hence some people rely on welfare for temporary assistance; it also gives others an incentive to avoid work. Some totally neglect the responsibility to work and put the burden on the taxpayers. Therefore the financial aid system has some negative aspects and flaws to consider. However, it has proven to be a practical, beneficial concept creating homogeneous societies by buying peace.
To begin with, taxpayers are disappointed with welfare fraud stories that emerge now and then, especially with the increase in immigration and people who cannot contribute to society because of cultural barriers or lack of knowledge, such as language and education. However, what is more upsetting, is that living on social benefits does not prevent those families from having more children since the system bears the consequences and keeps the cash flow.
In Europe, especially in regions that received a larger share of immigrants, it started affecting native's attitudes toward redistribution and opponents of welfare states. Moreover, the press's failure to share enough success stories from the mentioned groups adds more to the welfare ramified stigma. If success stories surface often, perhaps like the one writer Caitlin Moran shared in the times " The people you never hear from," we will spread awareness about the hidden miracles social benefits make in transforming people's lives. Quote: ‘It clothed me and fed me and gave me glasses when I squinted and opened a library where we all read so much we all subsequently went to university. - Caitlin Moran
With similar intentions, “We Are the Future” is another impressive story by Thomas L.Freidman and Michael Mandelbaum (Solid Gold 2 p 135). It is about how forty guesses of honour were all children of immigrants attending the 2020 Intel Science Talent Search. A national contest identifies and honours the top math and science high school students in America. It would have been a great advantage if that victory could be linked to migration records to reveal how the educational aid system pays off eventually.
Nevertheless, the high taxpayers from the upper classes, who often have no direct correlation or cooperation with less fortunate, challenged communities, tend to make superficial judgments relying only on negative statistics and studies. Furthermore, underestimate the power of welfare at making peace and social balance. After all, without this aid system, there would be a huge gap between classes, which would promote hate. The less fortunate people will become propelled to feed on the rich and lean on odd income resources to make ends meet, such as selling drugs, theft, prostitution, Etc. As a result, crime will increase, and safety will vanish. Third world countries are a living example of the absence of social benefits system.
"We argue that welfare spending contributes to sustaining peace because the provision of social services reduces grievances by offsetting the effects of poverty and inequality in society. Therefore the state’s welfare efforts are vital for the maintenance of peace." - Zeynep Taydas Clemson University - Journal of Peace Research.
In conclusion, we face many public issues in today’s modern society, including social welfare, immigration, possible war and even environmental issues. However, we cannot handle and solve every problem that comes across, nor can we satisfy every person in every country. So instead of promoting hate, shaking, and threatening public security, governments should prioritise solutions that maintain peace in those most relevant, possible ways and at all costs.

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