Last year while I was pregnant with Alicia I did an English skills test to know where I stand for the courses I am supposed to take, part of collecting points to get a Swedish degree. To my surprise, I reached the level of "English 5" course out of 7 courses in total in writing because of my dyslexia and 6 out of 7 in reading and understanding. The test was done in all types of English accents, British, American, and Australian. I had to listen to news reports and audio documentaries and answer questions afterward.
I was really amazed at the results for 9 months pregnant who could not go to the toilet during the 2 hours test and set still with all the back pain, lack of focus and what not... and managed to get these results. Not to mention that I never studied English in proper schools but it was from the hard life school, travels and of course the will power.
The only proper course I took for business English was in Libya during my first office administration job, where my boss back then signed me in a private class daily during afternoons to learn how to write and reply to business emails and correspondence. And was given some books to read and I took off from there until I trained and managed to read lots and lots of English books during the year 2010 where I experienced the first quarantine in Morocco at my grandma's house. I did not have the right word for it back then.
Now I am looking forward to starting my English 6 and 7 courses on January 10, to have a real certificate and degree for my English skills, despite the current obstacles.

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