Watching The Wizard of OZ with my daughter spiked the idea of writing about this topic. See my favorite quotes from the movie on my recent Instagram post.
The past few weeks I started noticing an old social pattering that I haven't paid attention to until now. It started with me knowing new and old friends open up to me so fast, reach out to me when they have a problem for consultancy.. but I not knowing why?
The thing in common between almost all my old friends and new friends was that people dare to open up to me about their life and their problems easily. Like a psychology doctor almost! They tend to get so humble, soft and open up about themselves their jobs, partners, parents and the only explanation for this is that these things require empathy, listing, and understanding.
It used to be a normal thing for me back when my only friends were the "open-minded" closed and secret community in my homeland, they were only; the expats, the unreligious, homosexual, and free thinkers who used to speak their minds freely with one another in those secret party gatherings. The thing that made me gain lots of life-lasting friends from different places in the world because of empathy skills.
You sit and talk and try to find a common emotional ground between you and the person. A similar sorrow or disappointment and from there you become bonded for life. Because now you know the real person inside, not just what everyone sees from the outside. In my world, I see them braver, strong and complete genuine human beings because no one is perfect.
15 Signs You Might Be an Empath
-You have a lot of empathy
-Closeness and intimacy can overwhelm you
-You have good intuition
-You take comfort in nature
-You don’t do well in crowded places
-You have a hard time not caring
-People tend to tell you their problems:
Sensitive, empathic people tend to be fantastic listeners. Your loved ones may feel comforted by your support and reach out to you first whenever they experience difficulty.
Caring deeply can make it hard to tell people when you approach the point of overwhelm. But it’s important to find a balance. Without boundaries, unchecked kindness and sensitivity can pave the way for “emotion dumps” that may be too much for you to handle at once. Empaths may also be more vulnerable to manipulation or toxic behaviors. Your earnest desire to help people in distress can leave you unaware of signs of toxicity.You may have a deeper understanding of the pain fueling their behavior and want to offer support. But it’s important to remember you can’t do much for someone who isn’t ready to change.
You have a high sensitivity to sounds, smells, or sensations:
An empath’s increased sensitivity doesn’t just relate to emotions. There’s a lot of overlap between empaths and people who are highly sensitive, and you might find that you’re also more sensitive to the world around you.
This could mean:
Fragrances and odors affect you more strongly.
Jarring sounds and physical sensations may affect you more strongly.
You prefer to listen to media at low volumes or get information by reading.
Certain sounds may trigger an emotional response.
-You need time to recharge
-You don’t like conflict
-You often feel like you don’t fit in:
Despite being highly attuned to the feelings of others, many empaths find it difficult to relate to others.
Others might not understand why you become exhausted and stressed so quickly. You might struggle to understand the emotions and feelings you absorb or feel like you aren’t “normal.” This may lead you to become more private. You might avoid talking about your sensitivities and sharing your intuitions so you feel less out of place.
-You tend to isolate
-You have a hard time setting boundaries
-You see the world in unique ways
-You sometimes find it tough to cope with sensory and emotional overload.
Type empathy skill in your linked in and see for yourself. Read: The New Meaning Of CEO: Chief Empathy Officer - 4 Reasons Leaders Need Empathy Now

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