Here is one of my favorite tropical Asian cuisine flavors. You can either cook this like a stew in a cooking pan or cook it in a casserole form in the oven. I actually do it this way but I found plenty of other recipes which are similar to just small differences, some of them used onion, coconut milk instead of cream, or mango instead of pineapple. If you are a creative cook like me you can make this tropical stew using your favorite flavors from the mentioned ingredients or dare to add your own.
Here is the original recipe in Swedish "Kycklinggryta med curry & ananas".
400-500g chicken fillet
Butter to frying
1-2 tablespoons curry
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 red bell pepper
4 dl chicken broth 1dl = 100 ml
4 rings of pineapple or cubes (fresh or can)
2.5 dl cream 1.054 cup
salt and pepper
salt and pepper
Maizena (cornstarch) to rescue Optional *
Cut the chicken fillets into cubes and then fry them a little in a pan with butter on low heat.
Meanwhile cut the pineapple and the bell peppers into cubes too.
Season the chicken with salt, pepper and half of the curry.
Put the chicken in a saucepan and add the bell pepper.
Pour the broth and simmer for 10 minutes.
Then add the pineapples to smaller pieces.
Add the cream and taste with more curry & pineapple pad.
Cook for another 10 minutes.
Then add maizena (cornstarch) to get the desired consistency and serve it with rice.

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