Our little Julia turned 20 months. She is growing and learning new things every day. Especially her singing skills improved a lot hehe.. She actually started singing for the first time when we were on our way here at our first stop in Danmark, singing the head, shoulders knees and toes song. By now she can pick which book I am talking about when I ask her to bring a book for night reading. And she can play baby game puzzles very well. She swims fearlessly with her floating armbands, of course.
Her talking is advancing a lot as well, she likes to repeat words often as we talk and she names things in her books like apple, ball, and a baby ect.
The potty training has been a little difficult as I am worried about the furniture of our current rental. A fabric white sofa is not very practical, nor the bed where she likes to jump often. So hopefully, on our new accommodation, I will be able to train her better.

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