The good thing about social media accounts, is that they keep a journal of our life memories that at certain times they might not seem important until a couple of years has passed.
Yesterday I checked out my old private Instagram account and found lots of lovely travel photos that I did not share with you here on the blog. These ones right here are from my 6 months stay in Morocco / Marrakech trying to arrange my residency in Sweden year 2013. I had a great opportunity during those months to explore lots of parts of Morocco and make use of the waiting time.
Marrakech is where my father comes from. We used to visit my grandparents' village sometimes on summer holidays when I was a kid. And I made sure to visit the village one more time as an adult during that period to meet my grandfather and the rest of my dad's relatives.
Personally apart from the complicated culture and boundaries for local females, Morocco is such a beautiful country. Especially the quiet places away from the crowded big cities. These pictures threw me back to those moments of connecting with my roots.

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