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Spring Planting: Top Flowers for 2016

I love digging in the dirt and planting each year, flowers are one of the simple pleasures to me. Each year at this time I start planting in our balcony and house windows. I plant everything from different type of flowers, herbs and some vegetables. The weather has been a bit unstable lately so some of the plants I planted few weeks ago died unfortunately, especially when we went away on easter holiday to the mountains cabin.

Now I planted these lovely flowers and some herbs hopping the weather will start improving than I will buy a small olive tree and some vegetables. Here is their info:

  • Pansy

Cool weather is just what pansy prefers. It's an annual that gardeners flock to because it's one of the best flowers to plant in spring for early-season containers and window boxes, relishing the variety in petal color as much as the cheery uplifted blooms.

Name: Viola x wittrockiana

Growing conditions: Sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 10 inches tall and 12 inches wide

Zones: 4-8

  • Double Rock Rose

Rock rose makes spring-flower lovers wait until late in the season for blooms, but that extra dose of patience is worth it. Double varieties such as this one are one of the best flowers to plant in spring, with a profusion of petals on low-growing shrubs in both spring and early summer.

Name: Helianthemum 'Annabel'

Growing conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 1 foot tall and 2 feet wide

Zones: 6-8

  • Chrysanthemum

Create some fireworks in your fall garden with a generous helping of chrysanthemums. These autumn bloomers work just as well in containers as they do in the border. Flowers are available in red, orange, purple, white, and yellow, and vary in size from cute buttonlike blooms to softball-size giants. Chrysanthemums will come back every year, but they have a tendency to die out after a few seasons. That’s why it’s a good idea to plant new chrysanthemums every year.

See Top New Perennials for 2016 , I hope you guys are enjoying your week..

Sources: bah.com

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  1. These are looking so lovely !


  2. pretty pretty flowers
    keep in touch


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