As I try to shift my cooking slowing to more a healthy eating habit by making low carb , gluten free and less meat dishes. I came up with this recipe inspired by the Swedish Pytt I Panna recipe which I heard it has roots from Finland.
I previously roasted the turnips dices with diced bacon pieces in olive oil and some salt and black pepper. Then I fried the egg separately to be placed on top of the turnip and bacon. Aside I added some pickled beetroots like the traditional recipe.
I felt this was much light comparing to the rest of the ingredients in the original recipe. Using Turnips as a healthy alternative to potatoes is really good. At the end of this post you will find the original Pytt I Panna recipe from Honest Cooking. This makes a nice quick lunch ;-)
Ingredients for two servings:
2 Big Turnips
handful of bacon diced
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 eggs
pickled beetroot
Mix the turnip and bacon diced together with oil, salt and pepper and roast them in the oven for about 30 minutes, until the turnips get soft.
When done fry the egg on a frying pan using either oil or butter as you prefer.
Place the turnip on the serving dishes, top with an egg and couple of beetroot pieces on the side.
Garnish with your favorite herbs.
* You can keep the egg softer when frying it, it will make the mixture juicy.
6 Diced potatoes
2 Diced onions
2 Diced carrots
2 Diced parsnips
2 Tablespoons of organic butter
1½ Ib good beef
4 Free range eggs
⅓ Cup chicken stock
Pickled beetroots
Strong mustard
Cut the beef into dices of about ½ inch squared.
Gently fry the onions in a little butter until golden. Set aside.
Fry the diced potatoes carrots and parsnips in butter for 8-10 minutes over medium heat. Add the chicken stock. When the stock has boiled in/evaporated completely, turn the heat up for 2-3 minutes or until the vegetables are golden and crispy on the outside.
In a separate - very hot skillet - fry the beef quickly until browned but not well-done.
Add the vegetables and onion to the beef (for an extra decadent version, also add ¼ cup of cream) and cook together for about a minute. Season with salt and a good amount of freshly ground black pepper.
Serve with fried eggs, beetroot and some good mustard. Garnish with chopped chives.

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