Enjoying summer with our daughter is one of the greatest things. Especially now when she is up walking and running around, exploring her surroundings. We did picnics, camping and grilling outdoors. As I mentioned before summer slips away so fast here because it's often very busy. And because most of the days of the week are actually cloudy and sometimes even rainy. This week for example I felt like it was already October whether.
We have friends coming to visit us next week for three days and the week after Julia's grandparents rented a summer cabin for a week so we might be hanging out there with them and enjoy July before it ends. Then we are going to visit two of our friends in another city for couple of days and do a little road trip in the northern countryside. We will make sure to benefit from my home stay time.
My maternity leave will end by the end of August. And Julia will start kindergarten... OMG! I still can't believe it. I am both excited about it to be able to get myself and life back but in the same time I am going to be worried and miss her alot. Even that it's only few hours a day in the beginning.
Right now I am trying to focus on enjoying the moment and stay excited for getting back on track and finish all accomplished things that I delayed since I got pregnant. I am doing researches and making plans to get back in business. Woohooo!!!

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