I made this Moroccan dish the other day and posted an image on instagram, I was asked by friends to post the recipe so here we go. Well this recipe actually goes with both meat and chicken. I use chicken because I like it more. When I made my dish I skipped adding sugar, vanilla and orange blossom water and used regular water. But if you have all the ingredients go ahead and add them.
One more thing, when cooking chicken in this recipe. Right when the chicken is ready and cooked pull it out of the cooker and grill it alone in the oven. I also brush it with some ghee to get that golden grill color.
Adding the almond should be the last thing to decorate with. If you add it to the cooker it will not be crispy anymore.
Ingredients / المقادير
4 morceaux de viande ou de poulet / 4 pieces of meat or chicken / ٤قطع من اللحم أو الدجاج
1 oignon/ 1 onion /١حبة بصل
150g de prunes secs / 150g dry plum / برقوق جاف
150g d'abricots secs /150 dry apricot / مشمش جاف
60g de raisins secs / 60g Dry raisins / زبيب جاف
2CS de ghee(smen) / 2Tbsp Ghee / ٢م ك سمن
1/4CC de sel / 1/4 Tsp salt / ١/٤م ص ملح
1/2CC de gingembre / 1/2Tsp Ginger / ١/٢م ص زنجبيل
1CC de safran en poudre /1Tsp saffron powder /١م ص
مسحوق الزعفران
Cannelle /cinnamon / قرفة
4CS de sucre /4Tbsp sugar / ٤م ك سكر
2CS de beurre / 2Tbsp butter / ٢م ك زبدة
60g d'amandes /60g almond /لوز
Optional / اختياري
1CC de vanille en poudre / 1Tsp vanilla powder / ١م ص
مسحوق الفانليا
eau de fleur d' oranger/Orange blossom water /ماء الزهر
Recipe Method

Great recipe Hind i could even taste it :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :-) gald you liked it