There is no place of one, This is what I keep hearing while traveling to those romantic get away destinations while alone, I was always told sorry we only have places for couples and we don't even have single room. So I either pay for two to stay such as visiting Redang Island and Bali or I stay in Hostels where its often not nice!
As Elizabeth Gilbert said in her book eat,pray,love
she was always looked at like a pathetic just divorced single woman traveling alone but I don't see any shame in that. People make it uncomfortable with their questions and sometimes they react in rude way when I say I am alone, even when I went in a boat trip in Malaysia some people behind me where talking Arabic behind my back thinking I don't understand saying , look at this poor girl by herself in this nice place.
Come on people, do you need to be with someone to enjoy the place! do you have to have arms around your waist to look happy? I have been always traveling alone and I got used to it. Sometimes I meet people and make friends and I join them if not I always found lots of activities and things that never made me feel bored or alone.
I know that two are better than one but at the end this is my path and I am happy with it :)
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